Justlife is our family favourite organic shop...We have been slowly changing our foodstuff to organic ones for the past three years...Yes it can be pricey but the benefit far outweigh the cost you incur. Somehow organically grown produce tastes a lot different. For lunch I'd pack sandwiches with organic cherry tomatos, sprouts/cress and lettuce - even my sons can vouch that they taste a lot better than the not-so-labour-intensive-grown veg (in other words with the help of pesticides). Read this
blog for more on organic living.
Two of the items which I never fail buying is the black bean milk (tastes better than soy bean milk) and the oatmilk (packed in a glass bottle)! The two Justlife stores which we normally frequent is the ones at Ikano Power Centre and Queen's Park.
Ikano?? As usual.....I'm gonna try it??? sedap ke this black bean milk.....I think it will be a good start for me to change into organic food stuff as well.....yeap....kinda pricey...but then it will benefits u in long term nanti especially dah tua...
Wan - Yes Ikano..LG directly opposite A&W and Manhattan Fish. They have without sugar and with sugar versions. I like mine without!
Wan - BTW the Ikano outlet has a cafe too! Recently opened but I haven't tried. The breads there are made by this American/Malay couple who used to have a cafe in Bkt Rahman Putra which we used to frequent...
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