The latest teaser is the release of the cover of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" yesterday. Wonder who's the important character whom Rowling has terminated...She's not giving any hints!
Pictured above is the US edition for children (for the uninitiated, they have different covers to suit the US and British children and adult market (yes adults get a chance to read it without the embarassment of having a children-looking-illustrated cover!).

UK adult cover UK Children cover
I'm looking forward to it. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the UK children's cover one as my whole set is from the UK children's series.
I want the adult version!I don't care!!!!
the Slytherin locket is nice!
Me can't wait as well...but will probably wait a few days before buying because the price will be cheaper in some superstores here..he he
I will refrain from visiting your site then to read your spoilers..for surely there will be a whole entry on it??..:)
if you haven't, try www.beyondhogwarts.com for some interesting takes of what might happen and of the story so far...
I like Harry Potter too!!! Hmm what about the Sophie Kinsella's shopaholic series??? dijah suka tak???
I'm not only a big fan of Harry Potter, but also Sophie Kinsella and John Grisham too. These books drained money from my pocket but I don't mind. Worth every nickel and dime.
p/s: Any idea how they are going to launch the 7th book this year? Previously Kinokuniya gaveaway first copy to the first person for free. I went to KLCC at 6am and wow..the queue was really long. Longer that I had ever imagine. The first person was there the night before. But I still get the magic wand, still have it in my room :)
FTM - Only started reading after the 2nd book was out....
Dijah - I'll decide...But the adult version is a bit "dark" looking....
Halwafy - Mmm...I dont think I will do any spoilers....We used to get discounts like 10% if we pre-order. I haven't seen any promotions yet this time around..Or may be I have been too bz lately to notice. TQ 4 the Potter link. B-I-L is an MPH staff...so ade some disc lah!
Wan - Dijah is not into chic lits yet....She prefers dungeons, dragons and sorcerers kinda stuff for now...I dread the day when she finds the joy and solace in chic lits.....
Sherrina - No clue of the launch. Did u dress up as any of the characters? Hermione? LOL
13 is pretty young for the shopaholic series.... :) or any chick lit for that matter.
fulltime mom
I was hooked onto the book instead after Episode 3. Couldn't wait for the movie tat I attacked the book. A much easier book compared to Lord of the Rings..And you cannot imagine the raising brows I made entering Conference room with a Harry Potter book with my stuff....hahaha..got to go down to Kinokuniya soon to pre book..hehe
Pearl - I have a friend who's 10 years older than me in S'pore who wrapped Potter book to read in the MRT in order to not get embarassed! Wah reading Potter in conference room..."Tabik spring" to you! LOL
FTM - Exactly!
have to go n pre-order the book TODAY
thanks for the info :)
what's the RRP for this? the last one was RM 99 if i'm not mistaken.
B2A - No idea....My daughter asked my b-i-l to book....
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