Khadijah had received a call from her second cousin S**a ("S") [who is 15] who invited her for a sleepover at another second cousin's, F***h ("F") [who is 14] house in Setiawangsa. You see, they are all into Manga and Anime and they have this publishing-a-Manga-comic-book-plan in the pipeline. S is in charge of the illustration, F is the creative director whilst Khadijah is the dialogue writer. The first meeting was in December - of all places in Muar! They were discussing the project well into the hours of the morning much to the chagrin of the "squatters" at my mom's house who were attending my cousin's wedding, Memeng - obviously they were making a lot of noise, I'm positive!
The invitation was to attend a ceramah agama (religious lecture) at the National Mosque which was to take place this morning. Of course, I am sure, the main objective of the sleepover invite was none other than for them to meet and discuss about their project and attending the ceramah, I think, is secondary.
Ok the issue...... - wifey and I have sort of said if F's mom was ok about the sleepover, we're ok with it. You know how your kids will plan stuff with their cousins/friends and you will be the last person to know? To digress a bit - for her 6th birthday, Khadijah actually made invitation cards (in fact distributed them) inviting her classmates etc without our knowledge and only found it out when phone calls were made to us re: the birthday party planned by her? We were like.....hmmmmm?
Back to the story - wifey had to procrastinate making the phone call much to the dismay of Khadijah. Her main reason for not calling is that she hates our kids to go for sleepovers albeit at cousin's house. I'm ok with sleepovers provided that I know and trust the people my kids will be with....! In fact I strongly encourage my kids to bond with their cousins and close friends, as I was brought up that way! And a way to do this is to socialise more closely with them - this I opine! This is totally the opposite of wifey.
Anyway, we discussed and resolved the issue and hopefully it's a productive sleepover for Khadijah!
Hi! I symphathise- very very strong urges not to let my kids out of our sight for a single minute , against points for bonding, etc etc....in the end , they only go if we know the kid and the family.
Yup...That's y only sleepovers at cousins' or ppl whom we know really well.
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