After the party, my mom-in-law and my niece came back to our house which was 10 minutes away from Isi Rimba. Whilst chatting away over tea and kuehs which my mom bought, (apparently Yusof told her to buy as according to him I love those kuehs namely bingka ubi and cara berlauk - I was so touched by this BTW!), my m-i-l received a call from wifey's sis to say that dad-in-law met with an accident in Slim River (he was on his way back from Alor Setar).
S-I-L received a call from some people from Slim River (not from hospital) to say that they were waiting for an ambulance to transport D-I-L to the hospital. Despite not wanting to hope for the worst, it had to be quite a bad accident. S-I-L and her nuggy drove from Shah Alam to Slim River to sort out a transfer from Slim River hospital to UMMC (where my S-I-L works).
Managed to get information regarding the extentof his injuries only at about 9.30 pm. Broken femur (2 sites), broken collar bone (not very bad) and a cut on the head. He's scheduled for an operation this afternoon....We are all praying that everything will be ok!
His car, an old Morris Minor (which all his grandkids call Tut Tut; he collects old cars you see) was badly damaged and lucky for him he drove this car; despite the age it's solid! A policeman made a remark saying that had it been a kancil, it would have broken in to two..(that's how bad the accident was). Apparently my D-I-L was very ill...He had high fever (due to an infection [same infection as in my posting earlier] and low blood pressure without us knowing! In spit of this, he drove back by himself! According to him he felt very ill and then the accident happened - he hit a divider, his car flung to the other side of the road and flung back to where he originally was. It was God's grace that no other vehicles passed by at that moment as that place is known for speedy vehicles zooming past......
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