Anyway, finally the cake was ready to be picked up this morning and sent it over to his kindy, on my way to office, for a small do. It turned out nice the Beemer cake which he wanted but the logo is a bit slanted...Didn't have time to argue with the baker. To Ib or any other child for that matter, as long as the logo is there - slant or no slant it's still a Beemer cake!
Ayyooo... I also want a Beemer cake for my birthday next year.. gotta put this in my reminder.. My hello and salam to IB, okay?
A day late is no problem to Ibraheem, I'm sure. As long as there's cake for celebration, yummy yummy in the tummy!!! Happy Birthday to the boy who's 6.
Xis - If you remind me...I can buy you one!
D - Will convey him your bday wish...
children are so uncomplicated... as long as there's a cake and candles and ppl singing happy birthday, they'll be very happy. we're the ones(at least moms) that make it complicated with balloons, party-packs and whatever!
Intan - I can't agree more!
That's a unique cake. Any reason for the choice of the cake?
Adam - Specific request from birthday boy, Ib!
you wanna buy one for me.. in that case, I should ask for merc laa.. ;)
Xis - merc cake? Anytime!
LOL! I can't imagine blowing candles on my merc cakes.. ;D
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