I have been back for 3 days now....Been catching up with wifey and the kids for things which I missed in my absence; loads of visitors to entertain; had a good rest over these couple of days AND back in the office today facing piles of letters and documents to go through. But my mind is still in Mecca and Medinah.
Spritually uplifted I must say after the trip and I pray to God that I shall remain the same or if not be a better Muslim....

Ib and Umar at the airport sending me off
Alhamdulillah you are back...glad you had a wonderful time there.
now i can't wait for my umrah next month insya allah..
Alhamdulillah... Welcome back
fulltime mom
welcome back!
did u cry when u first saw the Kaabah? i cannot imagine the feelings going through anyone when they step into God's house on earth for the first time no matter how many times i've heard it.
Halwafy & FTM - Thanks!
B2A - I'm looking forward to my next trip too....insya Allah.
Intan - My first time was 7 years back. It didnt stop the tears from flowing this time!
welcome home... glad you're doing good. Anyway, hope one of these days I be able to perform umrah as well..
Alhamdullillah Haq....welcome back.....Missing u lah.....Ingat dah jadik Pak Arab dah kat sana.....
Xis - Insya Allah...
Wan - Well dalam hati memang macam tak nak balik. tapi banyak agenda lain yg perlu diselesaikan kat sini...Can't wait to go back there!
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