About Me

- Dad of 4+1
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- A 40 something dad of five and a half wonderful kids with amazingly different traits and temperament from whom he wants a break from at times, yet wish they never grow older.....and be with him always.....(howzat possible?)and now wishing that he can be a stay at home dad......
29 April, 2007
27 April, 2007
200th Post
Yeterday, I declared an off day for the staff..But I went in anyway to finish some work with three other staff until about 2 pm. Wifey was supposed to bring the boys to a park to play footie but it rained. Parents-in-law came for a vist with my nieces and I arrived home as they were finishing lunch. Took a nap and my parents arrived. So there went our plan to bring kids to Kinokuniya...
Have you ever been to Queen's Park in Cheras (near Taman Maluri)? It's our fave place mainly for our organic food stuff and the outlet stores there. There's Esprit, FJ Benjamin, Annakku, TeddyTales, FOS, Jerasia (Nike, Naf Naf & Calvin Klein) outlets selling off season stuff.
Initially we thought of driving all the way to Ikano to get Mukti moisturiser (purely organic) for my mum from Justlife and bring the kids for meatballs at Ikea but since mom and dad were around, we left the kids at home and went to Justlife Queen's Park instead, which is a lot nearer.

Bought vegetables, black bean and oatmilk drink for the kids, organic passion fruit mayonnaise for me and Mukti moisturiser for mom.

I like the simplicity of the display at Justlife.
26 April, 2007
Down memory lane
Walking the 2 km brought back my childhood years in vivid colours (see the pics below). My parents used to teach in Batu Pahat, a town in between Ayer Baloi (dad's hometown ) and Muar (mom's hometown) which they consciously had to decide as a compromise. BP was home for a good 20 years for all of us until mom got a bit lonely without her siblings around after I got married. I was only physically in BP 24/7 for a good 4 years as I was "sent" away to a boarding school. Mmm..not really, it was my decision which I regretted during the first year in boarding school. Dad "refused" to let me return as he wanted me to be responsible for my own decision. At the end of my first year, I surprisingly, enjoyed being away and staying with friends for a change!
Anyway, I was hit by the simplicity of life which one can have whilst taking the stroll with wifey - in particular the life in Muar compared to the hustle and bustle life in KL. But Muar is fast being hit by rapid development. One thing which I wish that will be preserved for the mankind are the pre-war shophouses. The local council has done relatively well working with the shop-owners by asking them to apply fresh coat of paints every now and then.

This bakery has been here as far as I can remember. My mom used to wait for freshly baked bread before we return to BP during weekends in Muar. Believe it or not the bakers were kneading the dough on the table in the five foot way.

Mango trees are mandatory for all the houses in Muar. We (my cousins, brother and I) used to nick mangoes from the neighbourhood and eat them with plenty of sugar immersed in dark soy sauce (chilli is optional!) whenever our grandad's tree would run out of them.

This is Muar's answer to Cold Storage. They stock yeast for making bread (this was the only place in Johore then which sells yeast), frozen food, imported canned fruits, philadelphia cheese etc etc.....
Breakfast haven

On our second day, wifey and I decided to take a 4km (to and fro) stroll to the koiptiam opposite TNB to have steamed and toasted buns spread with butter and kaya, nasi lemak and sate. The nasi lemak bungkus was bought along the way at a stall which cost 50 sen. Did you know that you can still buy a 30 sen nasi lemak in Muar?
Apart from Kota Bahru, Kelantan, Muar must be the best breakfast haven in Malaysia! I know of people who drives all the way down to Muar for the breakfast...Give it a try - it's only 2 hours' drive (but look who's talking....I do it once a year! LOL). BTW read this entry by Robyn of of EatingAsia for non-halal food in Muar.
Soto in Muar (or rather in Johor) is served with clear soup rather than the ones served by its Indonesian counter part.
Wifey's sate with slightly chilled longan drink for breakfast

Supper with friends

25 April, 2007
Rin tagged me and here goes.....
So to those I have tagged....be a sport will ya!
Layer One : On The Outside
Name : Anwarul Haq Ahmad
Birth Date : Same as Helena Bonham Carter's only two years later!
Current Status : Married but....(the latter's a joke! Sorry wifey!)
Eye Colour : Brown
Hair Colour : Almost black but some grey ones are sticking out
Righty or Lefty : Righty
Layer Two : On The Inside
Your Heritage : Terribly Mixed - Dad's Arab plus Bugis and Mom's Javanese plus Chinese but I consider myself Javanese albeit I don't understand and speak javanese. The only thing which reminds me that I'm javanese is my penchant for nasi ambeng and the main door of my house which is a 100 year old javanese door!
Your Fear : God
Your Weakness : Overworked over nothing
Your Perfect Pizza : Wood fired pizzas (the best so far is the one from TJay's Pizza & Pasta of Pantai Cenang, Langkawi- crispy and thin)
Layer Three : Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Thing When You Wake Up : "Where's Ib and Umar? Need to get them to bathroom for a shower!"
Your Bedtime : After a chat with wifey to "touch base"!
Your Most Missed Memory : The one month spent with my late daughter at NICU in 1999.
Layer Four : Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : Neither. Hate carbonated drinks. If in desperate situation, Coke (Who's the ad agancy for Coke? You definitely has successfully etched COKE in my brain for life!)
McDonald's or Burger King : Burger King for its whopper jr with cheese.
Single or Group Dates : Single for sure!
Adidas or Nike : Definitely Nike
Tea or Nestea : Any herbal tea
Chocolate or Vanilla : Vanilla
Cappucino or Coffee : Don't drink coffee. Iced coffee at a kopitiam is nice.....(I do indulge occasionally)
Layer Five : Do You ...
Smoke : No....but tried it during my 2nd year uni exam week but hated it that I stopped
Curse : Stopped after I had my first child
Take a Shower : You must be kidding me....My wife will faint if I dont!
Have a Crush : Huh? It's bad enuf that I'm dealing with a teenage girl daughter. Can't afford a crush now...LOL
Think You've Been In Love: Of course and still is!
Go To School : Still do - to drop my kids off
Want To Get Married : I'm already chained to one for life! LOL
Believe In Yourself : Goes without saying
Think You're a Health Freak : I am one!
Layer Six : In The Past Month
Drank Alcohol : No.
Gone To The Mall : Yes only to buy stuff.
Been On Stage : No. The last time was during a school reunion last year.
Eaten Sushi : No.
Dyed Your Hair : No. Never dyed my hair before.
Layer Seven : Have You Ever ...
Played A Stripping Game : Never
Changed Who You Were To Fit In : Difficult to be someone else!
Layer Eight : Age
You're Hoping To Get Married : Mm.....Please read above
Layer Nine : In A Girl/Guy
Best Eye Colour : No preference (Girl) / I'm not gay so it really don't matter (Boy)
Best Hair Colour : Ditto (Girl) / Ditto (Boy)
Short Hair or Long Hair : Ditto (Girl) / Ditto (Boy)
Layer Ten : What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago : Typing this entry
1 Hour Ago : Sound asleep
4.5 Hours Ago : Sound asleep
1 Month Ago : Busy with my parent's Ruby Anniversary
1 Year Ago : Too old to remember! May be I was thinking of what to buy for wifey's 38th birthday.
Layer Eleven : Finish The Sentence
I Love : God, wifey, kids, parents and so on and so on
I Feel : Sleepy (for now)
I Hate : Working....I want to retire!
I Hide : Everything to others not to wifey though!
I Need : A real holiday - the one which you just lay idle like a veg.
Layer Twelve : Tag Five People
24 April, 2007

I had no internet conection over these few days which explains my absence....Connection at home should be up by this evening.
Well just a bit of an update! Been busy at the office - accounts audit, work, train new staff etc. I'm using lunch hour to make a quick update.
Went back to Muar over the weekend for a khenduri (prayers plus a small feast) for the upcoming umrah trip.
Made a dash to Johor Bahru on Sunday for another feast (birthday, retirement, anniversary etc etc) and returned to Kuala Lumpur on the same day. Home sweet home by midnight!
Gotta dash now!
20 April, 2007
Keramat's malay eatery
Had to send my daughter to school two days ago as my friend who usually ferries her to school had her son hospitalised. Thinking hard after sending my daughter of places to eat and Restoran Salim came to mind. I would say that this is one of the finest malay food eatery around Keramat area and entering it is akin to stepping in to your own mom's kitchen - the aroma is just divine. The variety of spread is an attraction indeed and they use fresh ingredients - tiger prawns, crabs, chicken, beef, fish roe etc etc....
This eatery has been here since god knows when, apparently! To be able to survive that long means something aint it?

Moi plate
Restoran Salim is located opposite Jelatek LRT station and housed along a mini post office within a four storey walk up City Hall flats.
19 April, 2007
Umar the hairdresser

Came Tuesday evening - bald patches appeared above his right ear....Wifey was complaining what the barber had done to his hair.....
Had to diplomatically deal with the situation by agreeing that I liked his bald patches and in the same breath asked him how he managed to get this "nice" hairdo...! Surprise! Surprise! He voluntarily answered "I cut a little bit only". Wifey's confrontational method didn't work earlier and met with the response "I dunno"!
That's kids for you.......
18 April, 2007
Ampang Daily Photo: funny#links
Ampang Daily Photo: funny#links
What a friend!

Driving Yusof to school yesterday,I tuned in to my favourite English channel FlyFm. Fly FM Fix-it was on.
A guy called in for FLY Fm crew to fix his problem which he has been facing for the last three years and it's really bugging his conscience!
What happened was when he was 17, he stole some exam papers from one of the teachers. To make it worse, the day he stole the papers, there was a spot check conducted by the school. He was, according to him, a "clean" guy in school being teacher's pet and all.
When he found out that there was a spot check, he quickly stuffed all the stolen exam papers in to his best friend's bag (K**ar)....The nerve....!!!! K**ar was caught red-handed and was suspended from school because of this! I can imagine the shock Ku**r had!
Ku**r's supposedly best friend (can't remember his name because I was too appalled), believe it or not just kept tight-lipped! The gall!
When the deejay called Ku**r and told about it...he just couldn't believe what he had heard and went silent for a good one minute! When his friend apologized...guess what? He actually accepted the apology without any qualms! I was like..........???? But I was emotionally moved by Ku**r's gesture though.....I would have reacted differently! But this is an example of unconditional love at its best, don't you think?
What they didn't air over the radio was Ku**r's revelation that his own parents did not believe that he didn't do it! I think that's terrible....
When asked by the crew as to whether his problem has been fixed, Ku**r's best friend's answer was "Not until I have met Ku**r & Ku**r's parents face to face"...for redemption!
Have you ever betrayed your mate's trust? I know I have never!
17 April, 2007
Living life to the fullest
We really admire her in a lot of aspects. She's the epitome of an individual who lives life to the fullest! Despite her age (she's in her mid 60s, I reckon) she leads an active life - still scuba dives, goes mountain climbing, joins hashes, travels the globe etc....Wifey and I are really inspired by her..So much so that she's rubbed on us with her lifestyle - eat organic, non-processed and non GMO food coupled with a good exercise regime AND plenty of liquid. It's all about balance she says!
Fate had it that we met some 15 years back when my senior in secondary school and his wife had two rooms to sub-let and wifey and I were scouting for bed-sits (separately of course) to rent during our bar vocational year. She was the principal landlord of the house at South Woodford (which borders Essex) where we lived.
She was more like a mother/friend to us than a landlady. She'd invite us to go grocery shopping with her and taught us domestic economy (learnt to buy bargains at Waitrose/Sainsbury's for near-expiry-sell-by-date food stuff and broken basmathi rice, compare prices before buying, etc....). She'd also invite us for lunches, dinners and barbecues at her home at Woodford Green. Her dinner parties are incomplete without her famous and yummilicious roasted leg of lamb. My parents who do not eat lamb also endorsed that the leg of lamb she roasted was to die for.
She's such a sweetie - I remember when we were doing our bar exam, she actually cooked chicken briyani (her late husband was a Ceylonese) and left a whole pot of it on our dining table with a little post-it message "enjoy dinner". She must have noticed that we had boxes of instant noodles in the cabinet and boxes of Sainsbury's frozen fish with parsley sauce in the freezer. Aah...those were the days.
We have been keeping in touch all these years. She used to come back once in two years but her return is more frequent now since her mom is not well (but who still travels and active in socialising in Ipoh! - She takes after her mom, we reckon!).
It was less than a year ago that she came back and we did Perak in about 4 days with her draging all our three boys....went kopitiam-hopping in Ipoh, caves-crawling around Ipoh (we did Gua Tempurung with my boys whom one of them I had to piggy back since he almost had an asthma attack triggered by the bats' guano in the cave. We promised that we would be back with her for an underground river adventure which is about three hours in total darkness! She's game for it..can you beat that?), explored Taiping (the Zoo and lake garden included), met Perak man in Lenggong, drove along the quiet road from Lenggong to Ipoh where the murder victim who was married to the Perak royalty was dumped. The whirlwind Perak tour was fun.....but the kids were exhausted!
We are going up to Ipoh after my umrah to see her minus the kids since we want some quality time with Sze Mee this time around which she did not object unlike last year where she insisted that we travelled with the kids! May be she's learnt her lesson! LOL!
Sze Mee, our maid, Agnes (her sis-in-law who's an angel too!) and wifey in front of one of the caves in Ipoh.
With Umar in 2003
Family portrait minus dad plus maid in 2003
16 April, 2007
Sunday Lunch

Mee Hailam

Home made soy bean milk
14 April, 2007
Lily Can't Sleep

Another community service here. Theatre for kids from 4-8 performing from 16th to 20th May at KLPAC.
For further details....click here!
Yusof the leader

Is this Tony's Hotel?

Took this picture when I stopped at the intersection of Jalan Sultan Ismail and Jalan TAR.
Aha...presenting Tune Hotel....A one of its kind hotel - value for money (from 9.99 peeps!) with the comfort of five star hotel mattress with turn-free technology and power shower in the bathroom (doesn't come with toiletries; air-con and towels though - You have to pay for these extras! It's a no frills hotel peeps!)!
What more can you ask for RM9.99 (assuming you get this deal)...? Giving Tong Foongs and Hotel Malayas a run for their money! A good choice for the discerning budget travellers.
Genius this Tony!
13 April, 2007
Crying for attention

He's been sucking his thumb....(he used to when he was about 3 until he turned 5), drinking his younger brother's milk from bottles...He did not even object for me to post this piccie here! And he is turning 10!
Everybody in the house is crying for attention (including me - which I have no plans to reveal in what aspect) since wifey found out that she's pregnant.
I suppose the only person who's not affected is Khadijah..the supergirl!
Kak Ros 911

12 April, 2007
What else...maid story

When we got back about 11.30 pm we heard a funny noise coming from the kitchen. Initially we thought it was the sound of our old fridge going to explode and had resigned to the fact that we had to replace it. No....it wasn't to our delight! That funny noise came from the maid's bathroom. Immediately she said there's something wrong with the "toilet" (exactly the word word she used!). I don't know what happened but some parts in the cistern were broken. How the **** it happened still remains a mystery. Apparently when she couldn't flush he called Yusof to mend it. What a p*a brain she has....Yusof has not graduated from a plumbing school for heaven's sake! Then of course the passing-the-buck session had to start by my dear maid....She blamed Ib and Yusof!
Aah....need to call the plumber! There's no point probing further!
11 April, 2007
Our Northern Indian fave

Anyway if you take AKLEH (Ampang Kuala Lumpur Elevated Highway) - take the MRR2 exit and as you drive into MRR2 there will be a sikh temple on your left and drive slowly in the most left lane and turn the next left which leads to Kampung Ampang where Mei Keng Fatt fatty crab situates (my partner's friend's [from Brunei] favourite place). As you turn in, Thaba is on your right (a bungalow which is lit with multi-coloured lights).
Shahjahani Briyani...here I come!
10 April, 2007
Over the Hedge - Zooview chapter

Look what happened when the hills were barren in the name of progress and development - the landslide which killed a couple of people last year near our house is a testament to nature disturbed and nature retaliated....!Whoops this posting is getting a bit serious which is not my intention...
So you might ask, what's the relevance of Over the Hedge?

When we first moved to Zooview some 7 years ago, we could open our windows and sliding doors all the time letting fresh air in and watching monkeys swinging from trees to trees trees around the housing estate without any disturbance.... Like I said, we co-existed in harmony!
The problem started a few years back when all the surrounding hills were developed in to housing estates...The monkeys lost their natural habitat and obviously are trapped within the concrete jungles created by us. The nearest green lung is our housing estate because our area is the oldest housing estate which is surrounded by matured trees. What happened in Over the Hedge is an exact duplicate of our lives now...The monkeys run amok whenever they are hungry and steal our food!
A couple of years back, they only rummaged through what's edible in our garbage bins... In recent times, they even have become more daring entering into homes when the inhabitants are out of sight or not at home.
Over the weekend wifey wanted to bake banana muffins using flowerinthedesert's recipe or halwafy's recipe (she can't remember she got the recipe from which blog but definitely from either the two) over the weekend. Much to her horror when she came back to bake - all her bananas were gone....None other than the monkey's job! There went our banana muffins for the weekend. The monkeys at Zooview have acquired quite good taste....If there are other fruits placed together with bananas like kiwi fruits, apples, mangoes etc....they'd pick the latter than their staple food! Last Eid, they even took the nicest cookies of the lot which were the pineapple tarts made by my step grandmom.They took the whole glass jar of tarts with them!
Last December was the worst attack so far. My daughter forgot to close one of her windows and we were away for the whole day for my cousin's wedding. When we got back - the whole house smelt urine and monkey pooh....They had a gala time the whole day in our house feasting our food - bread and fruits. When the food ran out, they emptied my organic soy powder can and sprinkled them all over the house - even the piano keyboard was not spared; traces of their feet were all over the keyboard! There wifey was with the maid cleaning the mess......
on my mind certainly constantly