About Me

My photo
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A 40 something dad of five and a half wonderful kids with amazingly different traits and temperament from whom he wants a break from at times, yet wish they never grow older.....and be with him always.....(howzat possible?)and now wishing that he can be a stay at home dad......

21 December, 2006

Bukan Diriku

Hey peeps...This is one of my fave songs but this version is by my fave singer, Anuar Zain...Enjoy! I'm soooo into Indon music of late; it's a pity that Malay songs have to be stereotypical.....! My latest discovery is a band called Dygta.

I have also taken the liberty to include the original singer's music video of the same song....SAMSONS...(the lyrics...scroll below!)


Setelah kupahami
Ku bukan yang terbaik
Yang ada di hatimu
Tak dapat kusangsikan
Ternyata dirinyalah
Yang mengerti kamu
Bukanlah diriku

Kini maafkan aku
Bila kumenjadi bisu
Kepada dirimu
Bukan santunku terbungkam
Hanya hatiku perbatas

Tuk mengertikamu
Maafkanlah aku

Kumasih mencintaimu
Kuharus meninggalkanmu
Kuharus melupakanmu
Hatiku menyangimu
Nurani membutuhkanmu
Kuharus merelakanmu

Dan hanyalah dirimu
Yang mampu memahamiku
Yang dapat mengerti aku
Ternyata dirinyalah
Yang sanggup menyanjungimu
Yang ramah menyentuhmu
Bukanlah diriku


Dijah said...

dats true,
me n dad sumtimes haf the same taste in songs!
now I'm agreeing to Dygta more n more often!!!!
go dad + daughter!!!!

Anonymous said...

I so lurve Dygta :)

on my mind certainly constantly

on my mind certainly constantly