About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A 40 something dad of five and a half wonderful kids with amazingly different traits and temperament from whom he wants a break from at times, yet wish they never grow older.....and be with him always.....(howzat possible?)and now wishing that he can be a stay at home dad......

14 November, 2006

A dad's hope

This past one week has been a nightmarish one for Khadijah ever since "IT" was announced in the news..... - her first major exam results, UPSR (for the uninitiated :- Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah or loosely translated Primary School Assessment Examination), is coming out this Thursday! I am not ashamed to say that I too have been fretful almost to a point of being manic and frenzied, thinking that the results will be out in three days' time and to prove this statement - just the other night, according to my other half, I hollered, mind you while still sleeping soundly, in the wee hours of the morning "Results is out tomorrow!". Geez.....

These few days, my sincere question to Khadijah about how she feels is always met with "Dont wannna talk about it" even though my questions are general in nature... Hey, excuse me for asking and being a concerned dad, albeit overly! Kids nowadays (sigh)...! Not as if we are pressurising her whatsoever expecting her to get straight As? But as parents, in our zeal to seek the best for our children, we stand guilty of not allowing them space to grow...... (sigh...). But where do you draw the line ? This is the million dollar question! Well as for me, it's really trial-and-error parenting and a mixture of what worked for my parents (well I certainly have come out alright.....!) and adapting it to this globalisation era...My hope is that my children will be wholesome individuals who know how to enjoy and savour every minute of their lives and live life to the fullest and not just being mere above average straight As scoring individuals! C'est la vie!


Formerly known as Superwomanwannabe! said...

Hi there- what rot are you talking about mate..you of all people are doing more than most I know to make your kids rounded individuals....in fact you are the yardstick I hold for good parenting! Hehe he he!

Dad of 4+1 said...

Hey superwomanwannabe....I'm not suffocating them, am I?

Formerly known as Superwomanwannabe! said...

I don't think so! A lot of love is accompanying all that activities they go through and I tell you they do not look like they are being suffocated- still happy and still normal! I am the one feeling like im raising the kiddies like gipsies ha ha ha

Dad of 4+1 said...

U r doing gr8!

on my mind certainly constantly

on my mind certainly constantly