Khadijah reminded me since last week that tomorrow is her canteen day. Is canteen day a new phenomenon? I cannot remember ever having canteen day during my primary and secondary school days. I think Canteen Day is only peculiar to Malaysia just like school fetes in England.
Well, Khadijah dropped the bomb yesterday ---- she has to bring something to school tomorrow to sell...So have to knock off early from work today and buy stuff for her muffins (this was decided this morning whilst driving her to her tuition class). It's the easiest to do. To buy ready made ones will be cheating, ain't it?
Aaah...the joy of being parents!
Me too, I never heard anything called canteen day back then.. something new I believe... or is it the same concept as pasaria?? Aahhh.. I got confused now.. So you making muffins for them, eh?? Coollll!!!
Xis - Mm...now I remember. Pasaria's INDEED the predecessor. How can I forget the blue, yellow, pink and green coupons...My schools (secondary and primary) never had one though!
I'm not making muffins..Supervising more like it...Kitchen is never my territory since I tied the knot. LOL!
So...watever happens in that kitchen, I hope it doesn't conjure up any new spells :)...with the craze of Harry Potter still in the air.
Don't forget the pics to be posted here ok.
Schools these days, hmm. Hope Khadijah's having fun at the canteen day.
Indeed: the joy of being parents! When kids assigned duties, the parents go crazy too! LOL.. Hope the muffins were a hit!
MC - I had my house elves helping or rather menyibukking! LOL. Will post pics.
Mior - Yup! Just called her....Seems like no one's interested in her muffins!
D - Yah..running around like a headless chicken!
I have been making cards (with proverbs and fav tv characters) for the last few yrs for canteen day. LAst yr dapat collect RM700. This yr tak buat byk so dapat RM400 aje.
Nak naik gila with the cutting and laminating..... hehe but suka tgk the glow in the children's faces bila nampak the cards.
when i was in school, we had canteen day...usually i bugged my mum to make sambal ikan bilis sandwiches...then the money the school gave to a few charity association...after taking out the cost la...
Helena - I'm sure your kids tolong kan..Otherwise can be quite yedious...Sure sakit pinggang pas tu!
Zai - Yummy...sambal ikan bilis sandwiches. I think that's what I want for dinner tonight!
Helena - should read "tedious"
in my school it was called hari kantin.. and yeah with those blue, yeloow red and white coupons that we had to 'jajan' to neighbors and parents/siblings.
Famil - Pasaria was the era of J Mizan, Halil Chik and the like. You younger ppl know it as Hari Kantin! But the coupons and the "jajans" I'm sure sama ja!! Thanks for dropping by!
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