A friend emailed me this picture (there are more....!) and I find this disturbing rather than amusing....
What have us mankind become????
Ramblings of a dad..........
Bought stuff for Khadijah's blueberry muffins....After performing maghrib prayers...Khadijah was pestering to start the baking session...At least she took the initiative to kick-off the session...Ib the house elf was more enthusiastic. Took out the eggs from the fridge and ladle from the drawer etc etc....Frankly, I was a bit claustrophobic with all of them in our small kitchen...But it was fun nonetheless.
The muffin pre-mix did not come with step by step instructions. We had to guess what to put in first...My idea was to put the pre-mix in the mixing bowl and gradually stir the eggs, vegetable oil and water after making sure the pre-mix wasn't lumpy..Since we were too lazy to sieve. Much to our surprise, wifey thought otherwise and of course being our kitchen guardian, we followed her method..i.e. mix the egg with the oil and water later and pour the pre-mix slowly.
Mm....like I guessed, the muffin batter became all lumpy...and extra work for Khadijah.....Luckily we have hand held electric mixer...It was done in a jiffy!
Erk...we only managed to bake 25 muffins rather than 40 as told by the shop assistant! The house-elves had fun...
Read Khadijah's entry on Canteen Day here.
When asked which part he enjoyed the most? Unhesitantly and confidently - the bit on Harry conjuring the Patronus charm defeating Dementors. Hmm...That's a bit too dark for his age!
With my kids, I find that their level of maturity differs. With Khadijah, at that age,explaining what's "make believe" and what's "real" was easier. Like they always say...girls mature earlier than boys!
Anyway, planning a daddy-daughter time down with Khadijah tomorrow...Yes we're queueing up for Deathly Hallows at Kino 5 am..! It'll be quite fun for her, I thought and she seemed to concur! Wanted her to go in robe and witch hat which met with a flat "NO"....It'll be fun hanging around with her...She' has been "revising" the last three HP books over the past three days! I'm on the last chapter of Half Blood Prince (second round that is) so that reading Deathly Hallows will be easier....
Wifey will be barking mad with Khadijah and I for sure, over this weekend, of Harry Potter marathon!