Yusof has entered his new phase in his life. He definitely has a mind of his own now...He chooses his own style, charters his future path, over-zealously speaks his mind and so forth. Physically, he's shot up to almost my height and we share the same shoe size. This means, half of my sporting wardrobe not surprisingly lands in his! That reminds me, I need to replenish mine!
Issues which are attached to this metamorphosis are indeed alien to us. Khadijah went through the same morphing process but the issues are definitely dissimilar. The only common thread is that wifey and I are indeed at wits' end, initially! Yes, there is no one proven formula that fits all! Every day we learn new things as parents. And we take it in our own stride...one step at time.
Yusof is attending his Syabab Fatayat's (co-curricular activity organised by his school which teaches discipline etc through community service programmes, marching, first-aid etc) weekend camp and so the house will be a tad quiet with his absence. We miss him dearly!
Salam.Hit your blog thru Ida's.A holiday but not a holiday..I am missing my son too here.Thought the whole family could spend the time together,but last minute he has to go for rugby training.
Kids nowdays are busier than parents ...Cant blame anyone since it is a competitive world out there and one has to excel in all.
Hopefully the kids will have a wonderful school break this time... any plan for vacation??
MG - Thanks for dropping by! You are right macam2 activities.
Xis - They are fighting at home...No lah...they are bored! Going back to A B this weekend! Am bz at work.
Good luck with parenting teenagers! I've been through that, everyday pening. No wonder they have books for these!
Yes.. my boys are already wearing their late dad's clothes, for that matter! It's great watching them grow but sometimes you can't help feeling like protesting, eh?
Hope the children have a good holiday (we just finished ours over here!).
Haq, my GOD. How big is Yusof now????? I was shocked when I saw the photo..
salam kenal..wahhh dah ada anak teruna ehehe....nowadaysa big challange la kan nak besarkan kids...internal n external factors banyak pengaruhi
Mrs N - You can say that thousand times and more! But I think, when you look back in years to come...you wouldn't change anything, kan?
D _ Yes...they grow too fast for my liking..Can't they just stop growing when they reach 3?
Arsaili - Thanks for dropping by! Betul...betul....
Ming - He'll be 12 in two months.
Is that Yusof? Wah!Wah! Hensem....
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