I like this; so whimsical. Is it the naive style? Not sure myself.
Got Khadijah an easel, acrylic paints and three sets of mounted canvas last Saturday. Lucky for me there are a few art supplies shops in Taman Melawati which are barely five minutes' away. There is an art institute there hence the many art supplies shops.
She hardly wasted her time to start a piece - of wifey and Hajar but still unfinished. Now I understand why good art pieces cost a bomb! Artistic people just do not bow down to pressure. They take their time to be in sync with their creative juices, don't they?
I turned 41 less than a minute ago...It was just a not-so-quiet dinner at Thaba with my family, my parents, sister and hubby and nephews and niece - cake with candles included. Looking forward to lunch with wifey later today...
In the mean time enjoy Khadijah's pieces!

OMG!!! This is a natural talent to be further polished!!
Remind me how old is Khadijah again pls?
And what does she want to do in the future? as in "apa cita-cita anda?"
p/s My son nak lukis muka orang, turn out macam muka pokemon. LOL!!!
Eh!! Happy Birthday!!! Many happy returns. Moga happy, sukses & murah rezeki sokmo (dari yg halal & baik2 belaka).
One word - "WOW!"
And a few more words - It's amazing when you see such talent at such a young age!
Must polish until berkilat-kilat dan bersinar-sinar nih :)
Happy Birthday, Haq. May your life be blessed with all good things in life, with love, joy and laughter to top everything up :)
Salam Dad of 5,
Selamat tambah umur. Semuga terus sihat dan ceria.
The artworks are great. She's got talent. Give her the full encouragement and she'll go far. If you can't get her to art class yet, why not check out the blogs of some local artists.
Happy Bithday Haq!
Wah.. I love her Art!! Very Talented!!
Abang Haq,
ni mesti you and wifey terror bab-bab Arts ni...mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi. :-)
if Arts is her thing...i'd say she'd going to be hugely received for her gifted talent.
Haq, tell her I'm still serious :)
that girl got talent, man! seriously good job,and u as a parent have encouraged her well :)
saya tumpang gemnbira.
Hi Haq,
Happy Birthday! Enjoy that lunch with Yani.
Second what everyone said here about Khadijah's art skills. The pieces here are wonderful. Memang creative keluarga you, Haq!
Oh my, sir..Khadijah is very talented..ikut mak dia ye..:)
I think you are a man with the highest confidence level so far for declaring having 4 kids + 1. So far, I have only known those who would mumble in response to questions on their kids. (Excluding my hubby la..)
Does Khadijah sell her work? My feature wall looks so bare...:)
Oh yes, tq for visiting me at The Scent..
hey Haq I want first right of refusal to buy her piece at a harga kawan kawan ok heheheh
She is very talented and we should hold a exhibition hahaha- !
Ibu - She's 15...She's unsure of what to do...Juggling between Doctor and Architect (but not lawyer...sigh..). At one point of time, photographer. Thanks for the wish!
Shana - Tengah keluarkan Brasso nih...LOL! Thanks for your wish!
Oldstock - Appreciate your advice! Thanks!
Zu - I will tell her!
Shah - Bab-bab melukis nih...dua-dua side ade...(but not me nor wifey). My brother in law and my mum terer lukis!
Af - Thanks for your kind words and encouragement
MTT - Well the lunch didn't happen...Some thing cropped up! I will let Khadijah know!
Shouldn't one flaunt for what one has? Just joking...! Erm...she'd never thought about it. She's been very secretive over her work and thinks that they are not worth anything (typical of creative people).
SW - please submit your Put and Call option draft for her dad's comments...He He He! I should have commissioned her kan rather than bought the two pieces the other day?
She's talented, serious!! Boleh jadi illustrator juga nih kalau tengok style dia. Sorry, tak dapat cari sifu yg dekat2 area rumah u. Semuanya jauh alam... Anyway, congrats to her!!
Hepi besday to u Dadof5! :D
Wah illustrator? Sure kembang dia. BTW kat manakah sifu-sfiu tersebut? Manalah tahu ayahnya sanggup drive ke sanun.
Thanks for the wish
hello Uncle Haq :DDDD
Kat has real knack for it doesnt she? I being a design student currently envies her talents too.
anddd uncle, should you now be dad of 4+2? hahaa :D
Mei - Ya..it's a pleasant surprise for us. All this while she's been hiding her sketches.
Ya lah I need to post on the new addition before I change my blog name.
Wow Haq, Im truly impressed! How could she have kept such a talent secret for years, and you not finding out?? Cemana bleh discover plak? Raw natural talent such as this, ur only born with it...! Glad to know you're giving her encouragement n support to pursue this further. :)
Rin - Well she used to draw manga-style and the like, you know the craze of the town, a lot. There were just sketches and I thought they were a tad ordinary. Then when the time I discovered, she was supposed to finish an art folio for her school which she refused to let me see. I then stumbled upon one and like they say the rest is history.
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