About Me

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A 40 something dad of five and a half wonderful kids with amazingly different traits and temperament from whom he wants a break from at times, yet wish they never grow older.....and be with him always.....(howzat possible?)and now wishing that he can be a stay at home dad......

07 June, 2007

Short Break

Kids have been making a lot of noise since they are stuck at home over the school holidays. I have been busy; clocking out 9pm on average and wifey too.....
Planned to go up the highlands in Perak from tomorrow till Sunday but the procrastinator in me took the toll on the supposed trip!

Been wanting to bring the kiddos to the Singapore Zoo and the Night Safari and Orchard Road (What a perfect timing - the GSS is on!) for mumsie since eons ago and I have decided to take the day off tomorrow!! Yaeyyy for the kids (and mumsie?).

We are off to Sunny (not what the weather forecast for the weekend though) Singapore early tomorrow. Yup we are driving down. It's no joke travelling with four kids....Definitely not travelling in tow on public transports in Singapore!! H**k, I only know how to get to the Zoo and Orchard Road...Definitely need to buy A-Z Singapore tonight!


Xis said...

safe trip to you and family.. Kids must have loved it.. Take care..

NJ@Goboklama said...

do enjoy your holiday, I do enjoy mine, yeayy!!!

bola2api said...

have fun! I'm yet to do Singapore..

Dad of 4+1 said...

Xis - They are overly excited!

Goboklama - Welcome back!!!

B2A - On bike? : )

- G O R O - said...

Benda yang ditunggu masa cuti sekolah.. zaman dulu kala

Dilip Mutum said...

Have fun. A good idea would be to check into a hotel and then take the public transport.

Harajuku PearL said...

I hope you have a good time in this little red dot!..the Night Safari is good..We've been there once and love it!..Shopping wat can we say...ängkutlah seberapa mampu boleh diangkut....Eating...aahhh..sinful sinful sinful..Looking forward to your post.
Its a pity we miss catching up...Next time..:)


ruby ahmad said...

Hi D.O.F,

I love Singapura tons. Have fun there with family.

Helena said...

Hi there! I guess you're already back from Singapore. Hope the hols there was great and exciting for the kids.

Dad of 4+1 said...

GORO - Betul tuh!

Adam - Not with 4 kids in tow...might end up losing one of them ! LOL

P&P - Yah...a bit last minute the trip...We had fun sightseeing and shopping too!

Ruby - You bet we do too!

He;ena - It was an exciting albeit a tiring one!

on my mind certainly constantly

on my mind certainly constantly