After the solemnisation ceremony
Remember my maid Acha? She's been found to be unfit to work after the medical check up! Urgh..... We went for a second opinion at University Malaya Medical Centre where wifey's sister work as one of the specialists....Did tests over a period of one and a half week and came out as borderline case....So...now waiting for an appeal by our agent to FOMEMA before deciding whether to send her for further tests and treatment! Like wifey said....don't be unduly alarmed wit this and just take one day at a time for now...(don't you just love the phlegmatic trait in her?)
Love this candid picture taken by Khadijah whilst waiting to go to the Bride's house
K-wire jutting out
Last Saturday was the first time I accompanied wifey for her check up with her gynae. Frankly, I have been somewhat traumatised after wifey had a missed abortion last year. She has been quite understanding....(I have been accompanying her to about 90% of her check ups for all my other children). Since Ib had to have his k-wire removed by the ortho, on the same day.....I braced myself and saw the baby's image for the first time real time...! Ib was excited asking the doc loads of questions.
Soon after wifey's check up, Ib had to have his k-wire "yanked" out by the ortho (Minah Celoteh's hubby is right in using the word "yank")...
Ib was initially ok until one of the patients started asking him questions and he just cried! Anyway, he was alright the minute he stepped in to the ortho's consultation room and was his usual self....The ortho was very engaging and excellent in making conversation with him! He even trimmed the not so nice looking suture around his thumb which was met with Ib's "ow" "ow" "ow".... He further engaged with him in light conversation and pulled out a surgical plier quietly and the next thing we knew...the k-wire was already out! Ib just yelled a single "ow"...Mmm....that wasn't too bad at all! The k-wire was slightly longer than the length of Ib's thumb....!
Waiting for Ib's turn to see the ortho at his English-inspired waiting room (complete with two three seater Chesterfields, a faux fireplace and floral wallpaper)
Welcome back, bro. Been busy rupanya. Anyway Selamat Berpuasa.
wow...no 5?? you guys are brave!! would like another one myself, actually...
Let me guess, it's "her"
Allah makes easy for K. Yani
Hiyaaaaa... Reading that bit about that K-thingy being yanked out of Ib made me cringe la bro.. My prayers for the new-comer & mommy.
"ow" definitely was the word for my hubby too hahaha
Looking at dat thumb brings back 'memories'. Try having a wire sticking out like dat on a middle toe and walking around, w/o crutches...more "ow-sss"....hehehe
Does Ib got to keep the K-wire? My hubby has it in a small bottle, somting like a priced posession ....it serves as a reminder that he shld play football with the proper footwear hahaha
first of all... hope everything will be okay with your wife and your baby.. secondly.. glad that finally Ib's K-wire was "yanked" out.. :) Thirdly.. that picture taken by Khadijah.. was awesome! Cool! I like it.. :) Imagining myself and my own son... LOL! Like i have any.. :D
What a doc,huh? It's these breeds of doctors (the excellent ones!) that really ease our worries, kan?
Salam Ramadan and all the best for that coming bundle of joy!
at last!
dof soon to be dof jugak la,
pray that your wife will have easy delivery...she has my utmost respect..
Hmmmm...superwifey you have there Haq!
Normally the nearer one gets to the due date, the more active/busier the mom makes herself. So, I can't imagine how active Yani is now, what with just another 2 weeks to go! Siap nak buat all those hampers lagi...
Do convey my warmest salam to Yani, please.
All the best!
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