About Me

- Dad of 4+1
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- A 40 something dad of five and a half wonderful kids with amazingly different traits and temperament from whom he wants a break from at times, yet wish they never grow older.....and be with him always.....(howzat possible?)and now wishing that he can be a stay at home dad......
28 September, 2007
Hajar's home
27 September, 2007
Dad of five now!

25 September, 2007
Teman Terulung

19 September, 2007
That time again!
It's that time of the year again (......so soon?) when wifey will be terribly busy with hamper orders....(started as passion but has been taking orders for the last four years). This is the other side of her which not many people know - and of course smocking dresses (sample work here) is another hobby - but she's been doing charity work all this while....Not anymore though because she has absoultely no time for it!
Anyway, she received a phone call this morning placing 260 mini hampers to be delivered in two weeks' time....Knowing her she will meet the deadline by hook or by crook...In the mean time, yours truly will be driving around to be her beck and call to get stuff! LOL!
17 September, 2007
I'm back!

After the solemnisation ceremony
Remember my maid Acha? She's been found to be unfit to work after the medical check up! Urgh..... We went for a second opinion at University Malaya Medical Centre where wifey's sister work as one of the specialists....Did tests over a period of one and a half week and came out as borderline case....So...now waiting for an appeal by our agent to FOMEMA before deciding whether to send her for further tests and treatment! Like wifey said....don't be unduly alarmed wit this and just take one day at a time for now...(don't you just love the phlegmatic trait in her?)
Love this candid picture taken by Khadijah whilst waiting to go to the Bride's house
K-wire jutting out
Last Saturday was the first time I accompanied wifey for her check up with her gynae. Frankly, I have been somewhat traumatised after wifey had a missed abortion last year. She has been quite understanding....(I have been accompanying her to about 90% of her check ups for all my other children). Since Ib had to have his k-wire removed by the ortho, on the same day.....I braced myself and saw the baby's image for the first time real time...! Ib was excited asking the doc loads of questions.
Soon after wifey's check up, Ib had to have his k-wire "yanked" out by the ortho (Minah Celoteh's hubby is right in using the word "yank")...
Ib was initially ok until one of the patients started asking him questions and he just cried! Anyway, he was alright the minute he stepped in to the ortho's consultation room and was his usual self....The ortho was very engaging and excellent in making conversation with him! He even trimmed the not so nice looking suture around his thumb which was met with Ib's "ow" "ow" "ow".... He further engaged with him in light conversation and pulled out a surgical plier quietly and the next thing we knew...the k-wire was already out! Ib just yelled a single "ow"...Mmm....that wasn't too bad at all! The k-wire was slightly longer than the length of Ib's thumb....!
Waiting for Ib's turn to see the ortho at his English-inspired waiting room (complete with two three seater Chesterfields, a faux fireplace and floral wallpaper)
07 September, 2007
Farewell Pavarotti
Naturally the first place to visit was London. And so we were on the world famous London double decker bus at Piccadilly Circus passing the Eros when my mum (who's a music lover but classical and opera are not the genre she listens to) said, "Haq..kat situ macam ada jual roti" (Haq I think they sell bread there). Obviously she was very hungry then, as I had dragged them the whole day to finish the essential London! LOL!
When I asked where, she pointed to Tower Records...Lo and behold...it was a huge poster which wrote "Pavarotti"....My dad who knew (through his reading) of Pavarotti laughed uncontrollably and explained to her who Pavarotti was.....Up till this day when I listen to my Pavarotti CDs I would be thinking of that very day at Piccadilly Circus! And this morning, when the news came on tv, I'm sure she was thinking what I was thinking..I just smiled in my heart!
Anyway, I just leave you with this video clip of Nessun Dorma, an aria from the final act of Turandot which achieved a pop status (in the UK) in 1990 when it was featured by BBC for their coverage of the world cup!
....."Let No one Sleep"
on my mind certainly constantly