It's been a week and a half now that the new maid has been with us...
I told wifey that I some time have mental lapses calling the new maid Acha (as in .... Acha Septriasa) - and she said I wished! LOL! BTW her name is Aris Septiani...Ain't that close?
Anyway, she has been quite decent! It really boils down to attitude at the end of the day....Regardless of the efficiency, if the attitude sucks....., she'd not be in our good books! This Acha oops Aris, has a smiley and friendly face and that helps! She's also good in pacifying and cajoling the two younger ones!
Well for the time being, we are enjoying ourselves being called "Sir" and "Ma'am"....Our previous helpers called us "Dad" and "Mum". We are also getting used to be asked "excuse me" all the time "Excuse me sir, boleh saya istirehat" ("Excuse me sir, can retire for the day?"); "Excuse me ma'am, boleh saya makan?" ("Excuse me ma'am, can I have my meal now?"). Don't get us wrong, we have given her a blanket permission for meals and yet she will seek permission unlike my Dawn French (in terms of size) maid who'd eat before everyone even though wifey cooked the meals!
Well like they say......it's too early to tell!
that name... is sooooo glamour.. hehe.. wonder how she looks.. hehe :)
Err...excuse me sir, bisa saya ngombrol di sini? Ahaha...
Good luck ya, hopefully she turns out just fine.
Happy Belated Bday to your daughter. I nearly fell off my chair laughing reading her wish list. Bangkrap dah ke Do4 beli semua tu?
Good luck with Khadijah too :) I'm sure she will turn out just fine, insyaAllah!
alhamdulillah sumernya ok. Mungkin majikannya sebelum ni dah melatihnya begitu. Tapi,tetap kena berhati-hati lah ye?
Good luck with the maid. Hope she turns out alright.
Heheh! LOL! I think Kak Yani scared u wold be Irwanshah.. Ado meh meh doh skit...
All the best with the new maid. Hopefully her current good attitude is not just a front, and will last.
I'm still waiting for my replacement maid - and it has been nearly 2 months since my previous maid made a disappearing act!! Sigh...
Dear Sir,
A new broom sweeps clean but hopefully this one is a good Electrolux vacuum cleaner that will last forever! ;)
Xis - Ur typical javanese girl!
Ibu - Bisa buk! She only got her *bucks do with a couple of her close frens (Yusof was our spy! -another entry on this l8er)!
Qist - First time kerja..But the training centre's in Jakarta quite impressive (we saw the pictures taken by my friend who's the agent in Malaysia).
Minah S - Thanks...So far ok!
Anon - LOL!
Shana - Hopefully so..... Oh dear; two months already? WE got ours within 3 weeks!
Halwafy - Karcher bleh tak...better than Electrolux (coz my electrolux was desroyed by my previous maid; and it's supposed to last you years like my parents')! LOL
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