Sephia picture of Ibraheem and Umar and an another model shot at our house courtyard
Our new maid, Aris, arrived yesterday and we fetched her from the agency after sending the previous one to LCCT this morning. Her flight was at 7 and the counter closed at 6.15 am - we arrived just two minutes before it closed (by hook or by crook she must board the plane as wifey just couldn't stand another minute having her around).
I had just woken up from my half hour nap as I had to wake up at 4 am.Getting three kids ready as early as that is no joke...Luckily makcik didn't miss her flight! I'm still sleepy.......
The old maid just took off without even bersalam (shaking hand) or bid goodbye to wifey and the kids... (wifey had to park the car as we were late already and I had to rush off to check-in counter to make sure she boarded the plane). She just shook my hand and said "thank you" without even asking me to bid goodbye to my family on her behalf and netiher did she apologize! God is great - at about 11 am, she called wifey frantically pleading for her help as when she arrived, the syndicate who cons returning "expatriate" citizens of Indonesia who are cash-rich (in their currency of course), had whisked her to another terminal en route to forcibly send her back to her home town and had asked her to pay RM100 as deposit despite her saying that her dad was waiting for her at the arrival lounge. We had to sort this out and call her dad to say that she was at the other terminal and of course they were reunited....And they are living happily in Ceribon now..LOL! Wifey's only comment was never had the maid been most sincere and honest than that time she needed our assistance!
The maid agency is in Bangi and it was just nice to time the departure on the same morning as the "delivery" of the new one! Well - it was a meticulous plan well executed for should the "make-my-wife-happy-plan" had failed you would be seeing one miserable daddy today! LOL
It was still early before the agency was open and we dropped by a kopitiam owned by a couple of friends in Bangi itself aptly called BANGI KOPITIAM. This was our second time since it is a bit far out from where we live. The first time, obviously, when it first opened! There are pictures of my dad and Ibraheem on Umar on the wall.....If you are ever around in Bangi....just drop by....it's the corner shop within the block which is behind the block opposite Bandar Baru Bangi mosque!
Patah tumbuh hilang berganti, sih? ya? heehehe...
All the best with the new one. Solat hajat & mintak doa banyak2 untuk yang terbaik for the family. InsyaAllah di kabulkan.
wah... sounds like a piece of advice from Ibu Mertua! Hahaha!!!
Just Ibu
what?? Ib and Umar and your dad's pic at the kopitiam? How did it end up there? Anyway.. that seems cool to have pics of someone you know well hung on the wall.. :)
Salam Dad of Four
Sorry, pagi2 dah ketuk pintu
If you have time, can you read the missing person alert "In Search of SALHI" (former MCKK) and if you deem fit, appreciate if you could cascade & share with others in your contact list/egroups/etc.
Background info from Pi's Twist blog.
Thanks v much.
How's the new maid? Hope she's better than the one you just sent back. THey can be very trying, I know.
oh ya. i also moved without saying thank u or goodbye.. where is my manners? btw, what the heck...
Oh,I so relate to the maid saga... You can't live without them, can't live with them! Sure hope this new one is good or at least, of no trouble. Thank God we now live in a land where having maids is just like having slaves!
hope the new one is a good cook :p
that ungrateful makcik.. she could call your wifey hp, but not her dad's? hmmmm...
the photos you took kan?
Ibu - Thanks Ibu Mertuaku! LOL
Insya Allah I'll forward the link to my e-group!
Mior & D - The new one, touch wood, so far ok lah! No one can be worse than the one I had!
Famil - She didnt have the dad's no with her.....! So far the new one - she has godd attitude!
Qist - No lah...My fren yang ambil gambar my kids and dad tuh! Familiar tak my dad? Kot lah kenal....
Lama tak singgah lar....have a new blog now......ur kids pic ada in a kopitian shop wowwwww
doa byk2 so that the new maid wont cause any problems. insya allah.
mine will be leaving by end of year. hopefully allah will be kind to us and send us a trustworthy maid after this. the current maid has been with us since 2003. it's difficult to get good help nowadays..
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