About Me

- Dad of 4+1
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- A 40 something dad of five and a half wonderful kids with amazingly different traits and temperament from whom he wants a break from at times, yet wish they never grow older.....and be with him always.....(howzat possible?)and now wishing that he can be a stay at home dad......
27 October, 2007
One month
26 October, 2007
System shock?

25 October, 2007
Maidless in Ampang

Yup we are maidless....Aris did not pass the Fomema test in the first month after she arrived. It's good that the Government has imposed this Fomema check up upon arrival as this filters the unfit maids before it's too late..
For the uninitiated, the first medical check up conducted locally, previously, for foreign domestic workers, was for the renewal of permit i.e after almost a year in employment. Since the rise in diseases, which were almost eradicated in Malaysia, courtesy of foreign workers (like TB) the Government had to impose this new condition considering various shortcomings in the respective counterpart countries' health systems and/or bribery.
And we were lucky that this was emplaced..Otherwise Aris would have had to handle Hajar for a period of nine months without us knowing that she is unfit!
In Aris' case, her chest x-ray was unsatisfactory...There was an anomaly in her lung! Aris said she has not sufferred from tuberculosis before and neither has she been sick before! According to the doctor, it may be an old scar and there was nothing to worry about. We sought a second opinion, and the doctor (who happens to be my sis in law) told us to run further tests and she could be immediately treated (in isolation) for TB (just in case)....! But we just did not want to take any risk at all...and agreed with the agent to send her back! Well the turn of event and the drama whech ensued will take the whole day for me to tell...Suffice to say that the maid turned 180 degrees theerafter in terms of attitude and was lagging in her kpi! (LOL)
I wish I could be the dignified butler (as per the pic)...Unfortunately i'm now the official domestic helper at home! It began with serving food (luckily wifey had cooked) for ifter last evening AND later washing and drying (luckily we have a dryer) clothes, ironing, making milk, washing dishes, tucking the kids to bed..And I was knackered by 10 pm...and as expected slept like a log only to be woken up about 5.30 am by the scream of Umar "Nak susu.....!" (I want milk)...And the routine began....washed, dried and folded clothes, washed dishes, prepared breakfast and so on and so on.....Wifey was very kind and offered to finish the rest....
Our application for a new maid just went in before Eid and with God's grace, the maid should be with us in three weeks' time...from Flores (anybody who has had experience with maid from Flores?)
Can I sleep and rest now? Unfortunately...more documents to draft...sigh.....
18 October, 2007
10 October, 2007
Selamat Hari Raya

To all of you ......SELAMAT HARI RAYA & MAAF ZAHIR BATIN FROM ALL OF US (Haq, Yani, Khadijah, Yusof, Ibraheem, Umar & Hajar). To those who will be driving back to kampung, please drive safely!
I'm taking a blog-rest..and will see you guys after the break!
BTW, Hajar has been discharged and will bring her home later this afternoon!
p/s thanks Rin for the card..which I lifted off you!
08 October, 2007
Back to hospital

Mum made me a dress but.....

06 October, 2007
05 October, 2007
Hajar's first ride

04 October, 2007
Went shopping
03 October, 2007
01 October, 2007
Ib's Bloopers

Warning : The picture has got nothing to do with this entry
Ib really tickled us pink these couple of days...All related to food/drink! Well yes he's fasting....probably lack of glucose may have contributed to these bloopers -
Blooper One
Ib : Dad, can you please buy Durian blended juice for me to break fast?
Dad : Huh? Durian blended juice?
Ib : Yes the one embah (grandmother) bought for me the other day....
Dad : Owh....It's not Durian Blended! It's Durian Belanda (soursop) juice.
Ib : Whatever.....
Blooper Two
Ib : Dad, what kueh (traditional cake) is that?
Dad : That one? (pointing to the kueh)
Ib : Uh huh...
Dad : It's called "Popiah" (spring roll).
Ib : Pass me the Porcupine then....
Dad : (Bursting/laughing whilst passing on the "porcupine")
on my mind certainly constantly